Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Sam Lufti Out Of The Scene Britney Is In Control

Britney Spears' father Jamie Spears is granted temporary conservatorship over Britney Spears' estate, according to TMZ:

That means her financial assets and other holdings will be managed by a conservator - the conservators are Jamie Spears and attorney Andrew Wallet.

The judge did not appoint a conservator to make medical decisions on behalf of Brit because the necessary paperwork was not filed.

In a surprise twist, TMZ reports Saturday Sam Lufti is now being handed his fourth restraining order - to stay away from Britney:

Although the judge did not specifically say that someone who was - it's clear that person is Lutfi last Saturday.

The judge found, in effect, that has been harassing Britney by Lufti. Thus the civil harassment restraining order.

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